Saturday, September 14, 2013

Now Thank We All Our God...

The view inside my back entry these days...

Autumn. Need I say more? One of my favorite seasons of the year with all it's jewel tones and fields overflowing with stores of ripened grain.

Today there is a nip in the air in our beautiful Fingerlakes of NY and I do believe it stayed below 60* all day...the perfect kind of day to pull on some leggings and a sweater and head on over to the Windmill, a kind of flea market that appeals to many kinds of shoppers, including a plant strong 'locavore of sorts' such as me...


We came home with evidence of plant strong shopping, too!

Broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkins, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, famous New York grapes in three different varieties, plums, garlic, onions, potatoes, peppers, and even some teeny little munchkin pumpkins and gourds for decorating. Ah, what a fun trip that was! We shall be enjoying the fruit of harvest for days to come!

On another note, after canning 200 qu of tomato products the past 2 weeks, I am officially finished harvesting my garden for winter. There are a few tomatoes for fresh eating, red beets for a meal or two, a row of sweet corn to enjoy a few last times before winter snows arrive, and a few rows of broom corn for my feathered friends.

The past 6 weeks, we put away harvest for two families: 200ish quarts green beans, 280 quarts corn (for more than 2 families), 100 quarts peaches, about 10 pints pickled pepper strips, 150 qu tomato juice, and 50 qu ketchup. I am officially tired, but very happy to have all that food put aside for winter's use. I thankful that I am well and could even bless my family in this way, something that I could not do for many years.


And I am especially grateful to my Father God, the Creator of all, who daily loads us with benefits, and Who brings us rain in fruitful seasons.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful...He sure does load us daily with benefits, if we will but see them,Blessings, Dawn


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