Monday, June 30, 2014

Of Berries And Chia...

When I was a school girl and would have to be home for a sick day,
my mom would often make McNess Coconut Pudding.
It was such a delicious treat, but one of those things I have totally
abandoned in whole food eating, trying to clean up our diet.

But sometimes I miss coconut pudding.
Well, not anymore!

Hello Chia Coconut Vanilla Pudding!
I don't eat it warm like we ate coconut pudding at home,
but this pudding fills the bill...

I had it this morning for mid morning meal...
with fresh strawberries and raspberries.

What deliciousness.

And so good for me, too.

I don't like the large amount of fat
in coconut milk, so I combine it with
almond milk and water and keep
a jar of it in my fridge for things such
as this.

Here is what I made this morning:

Cia's Vanilla Coconut Pudding

Into a bowl place
2 1/2 cups coconut almond milk
1/2 c unsweetened shredded coconut
scant 1/2 c chia seeds
(I used white chia)
1 t. vanilla extract
2 T maple syrup

Stir well. Cover and refrigerate overnite
or just a few hours.

Combine with fruit of choice.

Deliciousness in every bite!

I didn't forget that I was going to write 
a post about my journey through food addictions.
I still hope to get that done some time.

A happy, healthy summer to all.