Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Diet for All Reasons...

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan quote.

After hearing of yet another friend who had a heart attack 
at a young age, 
I feel disturbed...
compelled to share again 
with all of you, 
my lovely friends, 
that we have information that has been effectively applied 
to patients of certain doctors for over 40 years, 
with SUPERB results.

In going thru my stash of good explanations on this, I found this video that I share with you all:

Michael Klaper is a medical doctor. He, along with other of his colleagues (John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Scott Stoll, T. Colin Campbell and sons, and others) have been very effective in healing thousands of patients 
(some of them very diseased at the time of their first visit,
 having been told by their previous doctor that there is nothing left to do for them 
but to die)
 over the past 40-50 years.

I am not saying that we should never eat meat. I am well aware that we have been granted 'permission' by God to do so, but I share these informational videos and articles with you because a plantstrong diet has been proven over and over again to be very effective in both healing and preventing disease. People who have historically eaten 85% or more of their diet from the whole plant-food world and 15% or less from the animal food world have been very healthy long into their old age. I don't know about you, but that tells me where I want to be eating. 

We do not need different diets for different things. 
A whole foods, plant based diet heals and prevents many diseases alike:

heart disease
autoimmune disorders
Crohn's disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
alzheimer's disease
parkinson's disease

and many many other diseases not mentioned here.

Please do not let the 'evolutionist' slant in this video stumble you.
 If you want a Christian view of things, it's right there in your Bible,
 agreeing with the science of things.

The first diet given to mankind: Genesis 1:29
Daniel and his friends were plant strong eaters,
 and they were healthier and wiser than their counterparts
God tells us not to be gluttons and not be running to the 
same excesses of riot as the world does.

Weight Loss Inspiration Quote: Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction, JUST START!  Don't let yourself be caught in the "perfection" trap when you're trying to change your lifestyle through Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" nutritarian diet!  Focus on building healthful habits!  Click here to download an easy checklist that focuses on what you can do to change instead of restrictions!

I write this blog post, not to condemn us, but I honestly share because I truly care about you and your family. I find it very interesting that as the world has gotten steeped in the 'diets of kings and queens', so have the diseases of kings and queens followed. Science is now revealing what the Bible already shows us.

There are claims out there that we NEED eggs, meat, milk products for certain nutrients. That is a myth. I am joining the ranks of those who rise up to dispel that myth. If you want to eat them for flavoring your foods, or to enjoy them on occasion, go ahead, but please do not spread the myth that you NEED them for your health. There is no nutrient value or fiber in them.

My encouragement to us all is to pay attention to what is truly working. I have not seen anything else work so well as the plant-based diet. It is a diet that has stood the test of time since the beginning of time.

Want a challenge? See how many meals you can make that involve all plants, or 1 oz of meat or less per person. It's not a hard as you think. Here's a recipe to give you an idea of what that looks like:

Broccoli Cheez Soup

For the Cheez Sauce:

3 diced large potatoes
2 large carrots, sliced
Cover with water and boil until soft.
Save the water. Place veggies into a vitamix blender
along with:
1 c raw cashew pieces
1 T salt
1 T mustard
1 T reduced sodium soy sauce, optional
2 T dried onions
1 t black pepper
The water from boiling
Blend smooth. Set aside.

In a large pot saute in a bit of broth or olive oil:
2 large onions, chopped
 2 c bella mushrooms, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium bunch celery, chopped
4 medium carrots, diced
Saute a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
4 c broth of choice
4 c water
Cook til veggies are soft.
While veggies are cooking, steam 6 c broccoli
(I do this in my colander over boiling water 7-8 min)
Add to veggies in the pot.
Add 1 cup finely shredded and chopped ham, optional 
(I shred cooked ham from the bone and freeze it in small portions
then when I use it, I take a kitchen scissors and chop it really
finely. This makes the meat go thru the dish evenly, and you
can use much less meat. Of course, I use grass fed, humanely raised
meat of whatever kinds I am cooking with) 
Stir in cheez sauce and 2 c yogurt of choice
(I use homemade soy  yogurt)
Heat thru and serve.