Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Winter is Coming...

Winter is coming.
 Less Vitamin D, lowered immunity = more colds and flu. 
I strongly urge you to keep the 
sugar, meat, dairy, salt and oil consumption 
to a minimum, 
and eat lots of whole plant foods.
 Take a good whole food boost daily~ like Juice Plus, 
to keep your immune system consistently fed what it needs 
to fight off the nasty stuff. 
Tumeric is a great whole food antibiotic. I make sure I give that to my family several times a week. Garlic is great. I have in my fridge Dr. Christopher's Super Garlic Immune Formula (Amazon is a great place to buy it). I also mix up my large batches of immuniTea (which includes echinacea, rose hips, elderberry, mint, cinnamon, ginger, and more) and we drink that throughout the winter. I rarely need to treat colds and flu in my house, for which I am grateful, but I know that it takes vigilance on the mama's part and also faith in God for good health and for wisdom in knowing how to be the keeper of the family's health. 

Happy autumn, everyone. 
Enjoy cozy firesides and lamplight shining in the windows. 
Move every day and get some fresh air in your lungs.
And eat well!

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