Monday, July 22, 2013


Today's lunch: Quinoa and Veggie Stir-Fry.

We have already put veggies with whole wheat couscous (and when I was thinking about what starch to add to the veggies today, my daughter suggested couscous) but today I decided to use quinoa for several reasons:

1. couscous is a flour product and I try not to over use flour products
2. quinoa is a complete protein
3. quinoa is a whole food
4. I have 25 lb of red quinoa waiting to be used in my pantry.
5. quinoa is delish!

Here is what I used today:
red onion
red pepper
(had a half quart left after my daughters processed a
5 gal bucket full from my garden this morning and put in the freezer)
green beans
(had a pint in the fridge leftover from the weekend; also garden fresh!)
red quinoa
soy sauce
(can be found in the
 Goya/international/ethnic foods aisle at the grocery story)
I stir fried the veggies while the quinoa was cooking.
(double the water from the amount of dry quinoa you use)
Then I stirred together in a serving bowl and served
with various Asian sauces:
sweet chili
General Tso's
sweet and sour
(I was tickled to find a line of Asian sauces at our local grocery store
without MSG or its cousins!)
We all thoroughly enjoyed our lunch.
Finished with some watermelon.

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