"Simply put, a Nutritarian diet is a way of eating which bases food choices on maximizing the micronutrients per calorie. A Nutritarian diet is designed with food that has powerful disease-protecting and therapeutic effects and delivers a broad array of micronutrients via a wide spectrum of food choices. It is not sufficient to merely avoid fats, consume foods with a low glycemic index, lower the intake of animal products, or eat a diet of mostly raw foods. A truly healthful Nutritarian diet must be micronutrient rich and the micronutrient richness must be adjusted to meet individual needs. The foods with the highest micronutrient per calorie scores are green vegetables, colorful vegetables, and fresh fruits. For optimal health and to combat disease, it is necessary to consume enough of these foods that deliver the highest concentration of nutrients.
This works out in practical way such as these:
1. "The salad is the main dish" (Joel Fuhrman)
Plan your menu around whole, raw veggies, add in some beans for protein, add a cooked vegetable or squash, or some whole grains, finish with a bit of fruit for dessert.
2. Understand the real food pyramid:
and change your lifestyle to eat this way. You will very quickly feel the difference
as your body detoxes and heals.
3. Do not consistently allow in foods that destroy health.
These include much of what is considered the
Standard American Diet...
highly processed and preserved foods
excessive amounts of meats and dairy
oil and other non-whole food fats
excessive use of sugar in its non-whole food forms
excessive amounts of salt
These 'foods' produce addiction and disease.
Become a nutritarian today!
Hello!! You recently "liked" my page on FaceBook (Dose Dependent); I saw your FB profile, was interested and followed it to this blog. I have not fully checked it out yet but I am already excited to take more time and look around because so far I have not come across too many people who are loving Jesus AND a plant-strong diet, let alone viewing the two as not only complimentary but related. I look forward to exploring your site and invite you to check out my blog as well (dosedependent.me).
Julie A Desjardins