Friday, July 19, 2013

Ah, Summer, How I Love Thee!

Here is what I am up to these days!
many squash flowers = prolific yields = winter stir fry options
that free up the budget for something else!
"General Tso's" Stir Fried Veggies with Rice Noodles...
a wonderful lunch on any day!
3 (65 foot) rows of green beans and 12 squash plants = aching back and leg muscles
Thank You, God for bountiful harvest! Thank You for plants to provide fuel for my body.

And thank-You, God for a 13 year old daughter
who made  cherry pie Laraballs for me after she did the breakfast dishes,
a wonderful "after-bean-picking" snack!
does this spell 'summer', or what?!

The view from my kitchen sink window these days...
This is my favorite garden, filled with herbs and all my favorite perennials...

many tailgate lunches and suppers for my Farmer.
Thank-You, God that I have a healthy husband who works hard
and provides well for his household.
These are the some of the joys of summer in my life.
What are the joys of summer in yours?


  1. Such lovely gardening. Summer can feel over whelming with. Everything that needs to be done. Thanks for inspiring me with ur picks! And you must have a lovely growing- up daughter to have made you a snack. Blessings, Sara

  2. Hi Sara. Thanks. Yes, I do have a lovely growing-up daughter. Actually I have two of them. My almost-16 yr old helped me pick beans after she was done tending our chickens and turkeys that we are pasture raising. I feel too young to be this age :-)

  3. Right now I am enjoying the privilege of having a Fresh Air Boy in out home for 2 wk. I am both challenged & blessed as we try to share how everyone needs Jesus & not just give him an experience in the country.

    This city boy liked the garden other yr. now he decided it's dirty !

  4. My family hosted Fresh Air children for years when I was growing up. Today, one of those is my best sister in the world. She chose Jesus and lives her life on fire for Him, a daily inspiration to me.

    God bless you.


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