We live in a world of crumbling health. Anyone who is aware of their surroundings needs only to look around them on a normal trip to the grocery store or doctor's office to notice that obesity and disease is very common, even among children in this our country of U.S.A.
This blog is dedicated to paying forward what was given to me by the way of healing of my diseased body through plant foods, a sort of "back to Eden", if you please.
There are several things this blog will not do:
1. promote products for purchase that promise healing
2. provide me any monetary gain
3. promote foods that tend toward addiction producing habits
What I intend this blog to be used for:
1. teach what I have learned about eating for health
2. pass along nutritional information and links for you to learn these things yourself
3. post recipes that I personally have tried or would like to try
4. post menu ideas for plant strong meals
5. encourage us to eat plant strong 365 days a year
I hope that you can be blessed, encouraged and inspired as you visit this blog. I am a busy mom who homeschools, and helps her husband who is a leader in a small congregation of followers of Jesus Christ (otherwise known as a church) and a farmer, and as I raise my children to adulthood and as I counsel young women who seek answers to life's perplexing questions, I find that my dream of going out and hosting informational/teaching meetings on nutrition just needs to be put on the back burner to simmer for awhile longer until the Lord fulfills that dream.
I am a simple woman who loves keeping my home and finding ways to make eating-for-health work in this fast-paced, materialistic, greed-riddled society in which we live. I have no intention of stepping on anyone's toes in this blog. I love people, and my heart's desire is to pass along what I have found beneficial to my own life. (more on my health/life story in another post)
Above all, I hope that you know Jesus, the Giver of Life and the Creator of our lives. For His glory we have been created. With Him, life is truly worth living.
God bless.